All Contractions in English - English Shortcuts

English Shortcuts 

 ◾➟ aren’t = are not 
 ◾➟ can’t = cannot 
 ◾➟ could’ve = could have 
 ◾➟ couldn’t = could not 
 ◾➟ didn’t = did not 
 ◾➟ doesn’t = does not  
 ◾➟ don’t = do not 
 ◾➟ gonna = going to  
 ◾➟ gotta = got to/ got a  
 ◾➟ hadn’t = had not 
 ◾➟ hasn't = has not 
 ◾➟ haven t = have not 
 ◾➟ he’d = he had/ he would 
 ◾➟ he’ll = he shall/ he will 
 ◾➟ he’s = he has/ he is 
 ◾➟ how’d = how did/ how would
 ◾➟ how’ll = how will 
 ◾➟ how’s = how has/ how is 
 ◾➟ I’d = I had/ I would 
 ◾➟ I’ll = I shall / I will 
 ◾➟ I’m = I am 
 ◾➟ I’ve = I have 
 ◾➟ isn’t = is not 
 ◾➟ it’d = it would 
 ◾➟ it’ll = it shall/ it will 
 ◾➟ it’s = it has/ it is 
 ◾➟ mightn’t = might not 
 ◾➟ might’ve = might have 
 ◾➟ mustn’t = must not 
 ◾➟ must’ve = must have 
 ◾➟ needn't = need not 
 ◾➟ she’d = she had / she would 
 ◾➟ she’ll = she shall/ she will 
 ◾➟ she’s = she has/ she is 
 ◾➟ should’ve = should have 
 ◾➟ shouldn’t = should not 
 ◾➟ that’ll = that will 
 ◾➟ that’s = that has / that is 
 ◾➟ that’d = that would / that had
 ◾➟ there’d = there had / there would 
 ◾➟ there’d’ve = there would have
 ◾➟ there’re = there are 
 ◾➟ there’s = there has / there is
 ◾➟ they’d = they would 
 ◾➟ they’d’ve = they would have 
 ◾➟ they’ll = they shall) they will
 ◾➟ they’re = they are 
 ◾➟ they’ve = they have 
 ◾➟ wasn’t = was not 
 ◾➟ we’d = we had 
 ◾➟ we’ll = we will 
 ◾➟ we’re = we are 
 ◾➟ we’ve = we have 
 ◾➟ weren’t = were not 
 ◾➟ what’ll = what will 
 ◾➟ what’re = what are 
 ◾➟ what’s = what has / what is
 ◾➟ what’ve = what have 
 ◾➟ when’s = when is 
 ◾➟ where’d = where did 
 ◾➟ where’s = where has/ where is
 ◾➟ where’ve where have 
 ◾➟ who’d = who would 
 ◾➟ who’d’ve = who would 
 ◾➟ Somebody’s = somebody is
 ◾➟ someone’d = someone had / someone would 
 ◾➟ someone’ll = someone shall / someone will 
 ◾➟ someone’s = someone has / someone is 
 ◾➟ something’d = something had
 ◾➟ something’ll = something shall / something will 
 ◾➟ something’s = something has / something is